Jesus was liked by people who were nothing like Him. And He liked people who were nothing like Him, too!
THAT's how 'church' should be!
We're a gathering where everyone is loved - churched, un-churched, post-churched.
Our goal is to follow Jesus' only New Covenant commandment: Love one-another.
Holy Spirit occupied, miracle-expecting, miracle-experiencing gatherings.
Check back often. Events will be added as they're scheduled.
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
Today we collect snacks and treats to bless our heroes at the Mansfield Ohio Police Department, right here in Richland County, Ohio.
Bring in...
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
Everyone is born with specific talents and abilities that seem to 'just come naturally' to them. Beyond that, hard work, perseverence, and p...
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
God's Gift of the Word of Knowledge is different from natural, or learned knowledge. There is much knowledge that can be learned through stu...
159 Frederick St, Lexington, OH
Good question! We ask that question every week. The reality is that each Sunday morning has a very unique thumbprint. But if you had to pin us down, then our typical weekend gathering will include contemporary Christian music from our own irresistible band and a 25-35 minute message. The entire time usually runs about 60 minutes but can be longer if Holy Spirit desires.
Casual dress is the norm, so don't make any special arrangements - wear what you feel is appropriate. You'll most likely see suits and ties, t-shirts and jeans. We want you to be comfortable! The fashion police have been fired!
Some people use their own Bible, many use the Bible app and follow along on YouVersion Events.
Either way, references and relevant statements are on the main display screen, and lots of folks simply snap a pic.
We have a creative, age appropriate ministry - we call it FaithWorks - that includes music, activities, and a lesson from the Bible. Our children's ministry is currently for K through 5th grade. We also have a Mother's Room and a Preschool classroom for your younger children. And if you prefer that they sit with you, that's perfectly fine!
Irresistible is not affiliated with any denomination. Our planting team was sent out by New Life Church International in Lima, Ohio. We teach Christianity based solely on the Christian Scriptures. Although there are many lessons and great stories of faith in the Old Testament, we believe Jesus' New Covenant commandment to 'love one-another' is separate from Old Covenant Law and LOVE is our standard for all we do.
If we were to give our music a tagline, it would be Spirit-Filled Current Contemporary. We utilize a guitar band with a decidedly bluesy-rock flavor, although many say there's a definite country twist to it. The lyrics to each song - whether new or old - are projected on our screen at the front of the room.
Things that seemed important at the time...
We'd love to have you be our guest!
Sundays @ 10:03 AM
Today | By Appointment |
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet the needs within our community. Your generous donation will fund our mission to love the one-anothers throughout the area.